Wednesday 24 November 2010

Shots List

We will be having two main locations, The bathroom for the narrative and Pendle/Outside for the band performing. We will also have a few shots for the narrative wondering the streets (Padiham) which will be our third location. Our shots list is as follows:

The Bathroom

  1. Extreme Close Up of characters eye
  2. POV shot of character burning the heroin in a spoon
  3. Medium shot of character putting belt around his arm
  4. Long shot of character ''taking'' the heroin
  5. Canted angle of character getting up
  6. POV shot of character walking, looking at the ground - camera slightly shaky to create some blur
  7. POV shot of character looking in a mirror/ might have to be a Close Up on the mirror
  8. Tracking shot of character walking out of toilets -  possibly include Canted Angle Shots to created the effect of character on drugs
  9. POV shot that ties in with the line - "feels like I'm falling down a black hole"
  10. Medium shot of character holding himself up against  a walk
  11. Long shot of character collapsing onto the ground against the wall
  12. POV shot of hand holding a picture and crushing it or POV shot of character burning a picture of a girl just like he was burning the heroin in the first shot

Pendle/ Outside Location

  1. Extreme Close up of guitarist hands playing the guitar 
  2. Medium shot of guitarist
  3. Long shot of guitarist
  4. Long shot of drummer
  5. Medium shot of the band
  6. Long shot of the band
  7. Silhoutte of the band - Long/medium shot
  8. Medium shot of the guitarist again - keeping with the music
  9. Close up of the lead singer
  10. Medium shot of the lead singer
  11. Low angle shot of the band playing
  12. Tracking shot circling the band playing
  13. Close up of the drummer
  14. Medium shot of the lead singer
  1. Tracking shot of character 
  2. Medium shot of the character
  3. Long shot of the character walking away
  4. Canted angle of the character walking down a street
  5. POV shot of the character walking
**We will record all of these shots, however, not all of these shots will be used in the video as in editing we'll decide what shots are actually needed for the music video and what shots work best to create the music video.

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